Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kung Fu Kingdom
You need to be able to know how to defend yourself.
The feeling of the art of Kung Fu is now shown in the real natural places.
The different arts go back but Kung Fu goes farther. There is no age limit in this art. It’s a life style that is both peaceful and relaxing. Everyone should respect this life style.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Family, Friends, and Relationships- The Art of Dance- Flower- by Sabrina Parrish

Family, Friends, and Relationships
This picture to me is the definition on friends, families, and relationships. It shows love, trust, and companionship that everyone needs. That is what creates a great and happy environment for the world.
Families are like fudge, their mostly sweet with a few nuts. Family will always be there through everything. In some families, please is described as the magic word.  In our house, however, it was always sorry.
Friends break that wall you put up and fill that space with fun and entertaining things. A friend is that person who believes in your feature, understands in your past, and accepts who you are right now as we speak. Friendships are like a violins, the music may stop playing every once in a while but the strings will be there forever.
To grow in our ability to love ourselves we need to receive love as well. With relationships come love and support. Relationships give us a reason to live. You want someone there that it hearts when you say good bye or you get butterflies when you say hello.

The Art of Dance
          Dance is a living, breathing, and loving art. It’s a whole world to discover. Dancing is an expression without saying anything. Dance isn’t a chore or sport it’s a way of life. You need to have a big imagination and imagination is more important then knowledge. I think people who aren’t dancing are dead. Dancing is a power and you know when you’re dancing when you’re happy tears are mixed with your sweat. Everything is related to dance you just go from one stage to the next. Your love for yourself is only shown when you are dancing freely.

This picture is like flowers, which connects with your life and people aren’t realizing that anymore. Everyone laughs and the earth laughs right through the flowers. Every flower enjoys the air to breath. You need food to fill your hunger and you need flowers to feed your soul. Everyone needs love. Weeds are just an unloved flower, so we need to give it that love and support to keep it growing beautiful. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Things Girls do for Love!

Omg I hate it how people think that all girls talk about and are in love with guys... but we'r not! Our true love that will never leave us is... shopping!!! Shopping is a cure for broken hearts and break ups.

Shopping is way bettert than hooking up with boys. You dont have to wait for cloths to meet you some where. You dont have to be scared of getting dumped by your purse. Clothing cant let you down.When ladies are depressed they go shopping. When men are depressed they go start a war. Shopping is a relaxing, non deathful way to spend hard times. Shopping is a woman thing.  It's a contact sport like football.  Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase. Shopping is comminng uot to be a lifley process. In stead of building civalizations we build shopping malls.