Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Things Girls do for Love!

Omg I hate it how people think that all girls talk about and are in love with guys... but we'r not! Our true love that will never leave us is... shopping!!! Shopping is a cure for broken hearts and break ups.

Shopping is way bettert than hooking up with boys. You dont have to wait for cloths to meet you some where. You dont have to be scared of getting dumped by your purse. Clothing cant let you down.When ladies are depressed they go shopping. When men are depressed they go start a war. Shopping is a relaxing, non deathful way to spend hard times. Shopping is a woman thing.  It's a contact sport like football.  Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase. Shopping is comminng uot to be a lifley process. In stead of building civalizations we build shopping malls.

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