Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hey Diddle Diddle!

Little Cat was so lonely little cat who had no friends. His only friend was a fiddle. He’s a dork and loves playing his fiddle out on his roof so he can watch the town. Little Cat saw a cow that was acting rather interesting. Sr. Cow was at the movies and had too much soda so he was kind of in a sugar high. He was galloping all around. Little Cat was getting a kick out of that. Then out of the blue Sr. Cow jumped so high he did a little flip over the moon than disappeared in the distance. Then Uncle Doggy Dog was rocking in his rocking chair on the front porch. He was having a hay day laughing and laughing at all of his surroundings. A bell rings like an alarm coming from the bank. The silver robbers have robbed the bank. There were sirens going off all over the area, lights flashing and cars zooming around. Out of the lights and alarms a spoon and a dish speeding away from the scene. Little Cat stopped playing his fiddle to actually look back on what happened in the last 5 min. A cow flipping all over, Uncle Doggy Dog laughing so loud everyone could hear him, and the Silver Bandits running away together. That’s where that rhyme came from. Not Mother Goose but Little Cat’s song.  
Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such fun
and the dish ran away with the spoon!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Don’t Touch
In Pripyat, the kindergarten looked harmless but it was really deadly. It just looked like a regular kids play pen but it is really covered I all of the bad and deadly dust and gas. In that little village there were almost no sounds. This place looks like a depressing movie set that you just can’t take down. Everyone is being deported to a safer. This is one of the most worst nuclear disasters in the world. When you visit right at the door you’ll be handed a gas mask and some gloves but then again why would you want to go there in the first place. It was one of the happiest places to live. Everyone was nice and loving. People who lived there would always say great things about staying there. Everything was up to date and fresh. The village was really young so you can say. People would come all around to get tours. Animals wouldn’t be afraid. The equipment for the May Day Parade on May 1st hasn’t even been used. All of the nuclear crap was all over the place. The people can’t even go back to their house and grab their cloths cause their stuff is covered in awful, terrible stuff.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The More the Merrier
       Yitta Schwartz I a lady who just died last month and all of the people who showed up was astounding. Most of the people who showed up were her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. She had 15 kid, at least 200 grand children, and to many great-great-grandchildren to count. She could only count in her memory 2,000. Her oldest child is 75 years old that must mean that she had her first child when she was 13 years old. The youngest kid in her family was just born Feb. 15. When something would happen in the family she would pack a bag and go right from her house no matter what it is. With all of those kids, she is always all over the place. Her sixth oldest says all about how they fight over her. Yitta’s kids are following in her footsteps and having multiple kids, grand kids, and great-grandchildren. She had a calendar to keep track of all of those special things. Her believes were to multiply and you will be happy and that’s just what she did. When she came to the U.S. she came with her eleven kids. Then kept on going and had five more. So that sad death changed everyone she knew.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

 What the Artists Were
REALY Thinking
            This Picture is one of those pictures were the artist is thinking one thing and everyone else is viewing another. Those opinions are not what Ellen Barry, the photographer, wanted to get a crossed. The people at Uzbek think that she wanted to point out how lowly classed and uncared for villager.
            Ellen is getting accused of making her country look awful. This image looks all drabbed, dirty, and sloppy.
            So many people are getting the same persecution. Dadakhon Khasanov and a movie “The Burden of Virginity” both were accused to the same thing.
                        I think that some of these things people are getting arrested for are just not right. They make no since. It’s just a waste of time. Instead of getting all of the bad guys in this world they get the people who sent the wrong message through art. But I don’t know what they were totally thinking but there needs to be enough room for all of those killers, robbers, and just mean nasty people.
            For me the feelings are weird in this.

Monday, April 4, 2011

These days

These days
    Man, criminals these days just don’t think straight. Well, criminals in all don’t think. I mean do we have to be good or bad? Can’t we all just be good and not worry about anyone?

          I am following up on the latest unlawful cases on the serial killer and missing person all in one. Lately the remains of three additional people were found Monday morning with the other dreadful eight before that.

During all of these bodies found a girl named Shannan Gilbert at the age of 24. She was reported missing at Jersey city, New Jersey and last seen alive May 1. Out of all of the found bodies none of them have been her. They haven’t given up looking for her. They are now closing the highway Monday nights by the place where they have found all of the remains to investigateions some more on who is doing this, why, and how to stop them.

          All of these messed up people all around you just ask how were they raised? Did their family care for them? Do they have something mentally wrong with them? You just hope they come to their senses before they hurt more loved ones. Fingers crossed on finding Shannan and the person behind all of this.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kung Fu Kingdom
You need to be able to know how to defend yourself.
The feeling of the art of Kung Fu is now shown in the real natural places.
The different arts go back but Kung Fu goes farther. There is no age limit in this art. It’s a life style that is both peaceful and relaxing. Everyone should respect this life style.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Family, Friends, and Relationships- The Art of Dance- Flower- by Sabrina Parrish

Family, Friends, and Relationships
This picture to me is the definition on friends, families, and relationships. It shows love, trust, and companionship that everyone needs. That is what creates a great and happy environment for the world.
Families are like fudge, their mostly sweet with a few nuts. Family will always be there through everything. In some families, please is described as the magic word.  In our house, however, it was always sorry.
Friends break that wall you put up and fill that space with fun and entertaining things. A friend is that person who believes in your feature, understands in your past, and accepts who you are right now as we speak. Friendships are like a violins, the music may stop playing every once in a while but the strings will be there forever.
To grow in our ability to love ourselves we need to receive love as well. With relationships come love and support. Relationships give us a reason to live. You want someone there that it hearts when you say good bye or you get butterflies when you say hello.

The Art of Dance
          Dance is a living, breathing, and loving art. It’s a whole world to discover. Dancing is an expression without saying anything. Dance isn’t a chore or sport it’s a way of life. You need to have a big imagination and imagination is more important then knowledge. I think people who aren’t dancing are dead. Dancing is a power and you know when you’re dancing when you’re happy tears are mixed with your sweat. Everything is related to dance you just go from one stage to the next. Your love for yourself is only shown when you are dancing freely.

This picture is like flowers, which connects with your life and people aren’t realizing that anymore. Everyone laughs and the earth laughs right through the flowers. Every flower enjoys the air to breath. You need food to fill your hunger and you need flowers to feed your soul. Everyone needs love. Weeds are just an unloved flower, so we need to give it that love and support to keep it growing beautiful. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Things Girls do for Love!

Omg I hate it how people think that all girls talk about and are in love with guys... but we'r not! Our true love that will never leave us is... shopping!!! Shopping is a cure for broken hearts and break ups.

Shopping is way bettert than hooking up with boys. You dont have to wait for cloths to meet you some where. You dont have to be scared of getting dumped by your purse. Clothing cant let you down.When ladies are depressed they go shopping. When men are depressed they go start a war. Shopping is a relaxing, non deathful way to spend hard times. Shopping is a woman thing.  It's a contact sport like football.  Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase. Shopping is comminng uot to be a lifley process. In stead of building civalizations we build shopping malls.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ferrah Leni Fawcett
Born:           February 2, 1947
                    Corpus Christi, Texas,
                    United States
Died:     June 25, 2009 aged 62
                    Santa Monica, California,
                    United States
                         Cause Of Death:        Anal cancer
                      Occupation: Actress
Family:       Ryan O'Neal and
                   Son Redmond O'Neal
Early Life
      She was born into the family of Pauline Alice and James William Fawcett. She was the youngest after two sisters. She went to school at the catholic school that her family attended. Her mom was a homeworker and her dad was an oil field contractor. Her nationality is English, Irish, french, and Choctaw Native American. She Was first seen in a picture " Ten Most Beautiful Coeds." which was showed in Cashbox magazine. After the magazine was published a Hollywood publicist saw that photo of her and called her and kept asking her to move to Los Angeles, she eventually moved during her junior year. She did not go back to Texas.
farrah fawcett Farrah Fawcett – The Woman Behind the Red One piece Bathing Suit
Early Career
                   Farrah appeared in TV commercials for products. She did allot for "Breck Shampoo" as a Breck Girl. She did all kinds of TV commercials for different products for hair or body. She was a TV star and made her own brand of hair care products where her was in all commercials.
         Her first series was in "I Dream Of Jeannie". Right after she made a guest appearance in "Own Marshall: Counselor at Law" also "The Partridge Family". When married to Lee Majors she was in The Six Million Dollar Man, The Dating Game and several episodes of Harry O with David Janseen. She was in a couple of movies. And did allot of modeling in between of everything.
             On March 21, 1976 she had her vary first showing playing Jill Munroe in Charlie's Angels which was aired as movie of the week. She was casted as "The Golden Girl" because of how close her and the directer were. The show had a huge Nielsen rating, so they could put another season on air. She was a fan favorite and everyone loved her. She was given a Peoples Choice Award for Favorite Actress in a new TV Program.
Drew Barrymore out and about in Los Angeles on November 4, 2009 1 
               The sad time was June 25, 2009 right at 9:28 a.m. Her funeral was privet in Los Angeles on the 30th of June. Her son was aloud to leave his detention to go to the funeral. That night ABC had an hour special on her.  Allot of channels had a special on her life and interviews on her closest friends and family.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Blogging Journalism???

Blogging is like journalism. Journalism is writing on just random things and stating the facts. Blogging is the exact same thing. My blog is just that, I will write about the randomest things in the world. So blogging is just the same as Journalism.
 If people like journalism but dosnt have the time in the world to write on paper you can Blog. If you have a favorite song or video and you would love to share it with the world you can always blog about it and post it to everyone.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Have you ever failed at doing something so stupid? OMG I hate doing that or when you tell your friends that you can do something cool and they ask you to do it and you totaly mess up. ya that happends to me all the time.
Oneday I totaly landed a back flip and landed it but no one was watching so I told everyone then they wanted me to show them. I went to go do it and I totaly chickend out and they thought I was lying.
You try something for the first time and just FAIL. This video is so funny th first time. has this ever happend to you???
Thats so funny but I feel bad. That has happend to me befor but on a mt not solid ground. That Spiderman was infrount of all the little kids. that would be so imbaricing, and think of the kids they must of been laughting at him that would suck.